
Materials for courses I teach

Deep learning - CentraleSupélec - SDI-M (2024-2025)




To have an idea about the performances of the teams, below are renderings of the predictions on the test images where the color code is :

  • blue: true negatives
  • green : true positives
  • red : false positives
  • purple: false negatives
🥱 F1=0.926
C'est lui ☝️, F1=0.92364
AST, F1=0.91470
العبرة بالخواتيم, F1=0.91287
Random predictions 2, F1=0.91151
Huguo Bui, F1=0.90933
C'est qui l'patron ? 🙄, F1=0.90897
Eliott, F1=0.90218
., F1=0.90061
100% Homemade UNet, F1=0.88907
TN, F1=0.88580
Still in the bottom, F1=0.86602
Wassim Behlaj, F1=0.85713
Etienne Andrier, F1=0.83777
  • 2023-2024 : we participated to the GeoLifeClef 2022 challenge, after the competition was over. The final leaderboard of the teams is shown below.