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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNekfExtended Kalman Filter in the case of additive noise, the notations follow Van Der Merwe, phD, p. 36
|oCekf_paramStructure holding the parameters of the statistical linearization
|oCEvolutionNoiseMother class from which the evolution noises inherit
|oCEvolutionAnnealAnnealing type evolution noise
|oCEvolutionRLSForgetting type evolution noise
|\CEvolutionRobbinsMonroRobbins-Monro evolution noise
\NukfIn this section we implement the Unscented Kalman Filter for parameter estimation and Joint UKF involving the Scaled Unscented Transform detailed in Van der Merwe PhD Thesis
 oNparameterUKF for parameter estimation. The notations follow "Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Probabilistic Inference in Dynamic State-Space Models",p93, PhD, van Der Merwe
 |oCukf_paramStructure holding the parameters of the Unscented Kalman Filter
 |oCukf_scalar_statePointer to the function to approximate in the scalar case
 |oCukf_stateStructure holding the matrices manipulated by the unscented kalman filter in the vectorial case, for Parameter estimation
 |oCEvolutionNoiseMother class from which the evolution noises inherit
 |oCEvolutionAnnealAnnealing type evolution noise
 |oCEvolutionRLSForgetting type evolution noise
 |\CEvolutionRobbinsMonroRobbins-Monro evolution noise
 |oCRandomSample_1DGenerate 1D samples according to a uniform distribution :
 |oCRandomSample_2DGenerate 2D samples according to a uniform distribution and put them alternativaly at the odd/even positions
 |oCRandomSample_3DGenerate 3D samples according to a uniform distribution and put them alternativaly at the odd/even positions
 |oCMaximumIndexes_1DExtract the indexes of the nb_samples highest values of a vector Be carefull, this function is extracting the indexes as, the way it is used, it doesn't not to which sample a vector index corresponds
 |oCMaximumIndexes_2DExtract the indexes of the nb_samples highest values of a matrix Be carefull, this function is extracting the indexes as, the way it is used, it doesn't not to which sample a vector index corresponds
 |oCDistributionSample_1DGenerate 1D samples according to a discrete vectorial distribution
 |\CDistributionSample_2DGenerate 2D samples according to a discrete matricial distribution
 oNsrstateMUST NOT BE USED !!!!!!! Square root UKF for state estimation, additive noise case The notations follow "Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Probabilistic Inference in Dynamic State-Space Models",p115, PhD, van Der Merwe
 |oCukf_paramStructure holding the parameters of the statistical linearization
 |\Cukf_stateStructure holding the matrices manipulated by the statistical linearization in the vectorial case for state estimation
 \NstateUKF for state estimation, additive noise case The notations follow "Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Probabilistic Inference in Dynamic State-Space Models",p108, PhD, van Der Merwe
  oCukf_paramStructure holding the parameters of the statistical linearization
  oCukf_stateStructure holding the matrices manipulated by the statistical linearization in the vectorial case for state estimation
  oCEvolutionNoiseMother class from which the evolution noises inherit
  oCEvolutionAnnealAnnealing type evolution noise
  oCEvolutionRLSForgetting type evolution noise
  \CEvolutionRobbinsMonroRobbins-Monro evolution noise